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Hargeysa(Mogadishu24)-The House of Representatives of Somaliland has on Saturday approved, by a majority vote, the proposal from members representing the Awdal region to review the distribution system and increase the number of polling stations in the region.

The representative committee stated that 73 members of parliament supported the proposal from the Awdal region, with no opposition and absentia.

The proposal approved by Somaliland’s House of Representatives today includes the following key areas:

  1. Initiate and prepare for a revision of the Constitution.
  2. Direct the Electoral Commission to review and increase the number of polling stations in the Awdal region, similar to other regions.
  3. Call for the President of Somaliland to assess the representation of the Awdal people in the government and the Judiciary.
  4. Urge the government of Somaliland to equitably distribute budget projects and development initiatives that receive international assistance, with particular attention to the economic infrastructure of the Awdal region.

Somaliland’s House of Representatives further passed a law on the conduct of Presidential and political parties Elections.

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