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Hargeysa(Mogadishu24)-The Breakaway Republic of Somaliland on Monday reiterated its firm opposition to any external inrterference following the Egypt’s tough position against the MoU with Ethiopia and support with the Federal Government of Somalia.

It said in a statement that Somaliland acknowledges Egypt’s concerns regarding stability in the Horn of Africa region. “We share a common interest in peaceful and productive relations across the continent”, said the statement.

I”n light of the recent developments, we would like to reiterate Somaliland’s unwavering commitment to resolving regional matters through dialogue and cooperation. Nevertheless, given the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Republic of Somaliland and Ethiopia, we want to reiterate our firm opposition to any external interference”, the Statement said.

Somaliland addressed its message to Egyptian Government while encouraging all interested parts to focus on promoting regional stability and constructive partnership.

” We encourage Egypt to redirect its diplomatic efforts to address ongoing conflicts with its immediate neighbors such as Sudan, Libya, and Gaza. These areas are currently grappling with significant challenges, and we believe Egypt’s constructive engagement could substantially contribute to lasting peace and security”, stressed the statement.

Somaliland’s comment came a day after the Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi reaffirmed Egypt’s rejection of the Memorandum of Understanding signed early this month by Ethiopia, under which Addis Ababa agreed to lease a port with Somaliland.

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