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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Sixth meeting of Somalia and its international partners, including the USA, United Kingdom, Qatar, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates, held in London, Britian on Tuesday.

The Quint Group meeting on Somalia discussed the security and political situation in the country and ways to coordinate shared action according to the diplomats.

“Productive discussions at the 6th Quintet summit in London! Delved into bolstering security measures and enhancing political progress, while fine-tuning the synergy among quintet members supporting Somalia Government. #GlobalPartnership #StrengtheningSomalia“, Ali Mohamed Omar, Somalia’s State Minister of foreign affairs said on X after the meeting.

Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Faisal bin Abdullah Al Hanzab who attended the meeting, underscored the importance strengthening the efforts dedicated to supporting security, stability, unity, and sovereignty over its entire territory of Somalia according to QNA.

National Security Adviser of Somalia, Hussein Sheikh-Ali also attended the Quint Group meeting in London.

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