Mogadishu24:Somalia media guide,News channels in Mogadishu

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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Sitrep, a new weekly podcast designed to influence the national agenda by providing essential information on political, economic, and security topics affecting Somalia’s government, debuted with an in-depth analysis of the recent complexities in UN-Somalia relations. The program featured a panel of four regular guests with extensive backgrounds in academia, politics, and media. The discussion provided a comprehensive view of the current situation, focusing on Somalia’s issuance of contradictory letters regarding the UN-Mission in Somalia.

Somalia has requested the United Nations to end its political mission (UNSOM) when its mandate expires in October. UNSOM was established in 2013 to aid Somalia’s transition to democracy and the rule of law after years of conflict. Somali Foreign Minister Ahmed Moallim Fiqi praised the mission’s contributions to peace and stability but stated it is now time to transition to a new phase. The UN can only deploy missions with host country approval, and Somalia joins countries like Mali and Sudan in recently requesting the departure of UN missions.

In 2019, Somalia asked the UN Secretary-General’s special envoy, Nicholas Haysom, to leave the country, accusing him of interfering in internal affairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared Haysom persona non grata, stating he “is not required and cannot work in this country.”


Mohamed Hirmoge, a seasoned journalist and communications expert with vast experience in media, politics, and strategic communication across the Horn of Africa, opened the first episode where he emphasized the importance of the two contradictory letters issued by Villa Somalia—one terminating the UN mandate and another retracting the termination. This issue is particularly critical given Somalia’s significant reliance on UN missions for security, economic stability, and political support.


Mohamed Gurre argued that the responsibility for Somalia’s foreign policy, including its relations with the UNSOM, lies primarily with the President. This perspective highlighted the necessity for consistent and coherent foreign policy decisions, particularly given Somalia’s dependence on international support. The President’s actions are thus seen as central to shaping the country’s international relations and stability.


Ali Halane, another guest, a journalist and media consultant based in Mogadishu and registered in Egypt, bridges cultural and political divides with his insights into Somali and Arab communities, suggested that the core issue between Somalia and the UN might be a breakdown in communication. This viewpoint indicated that misunderstandings or inadequate communication channels could have led to the conflicting letters, creating confusion and uncertainty about Somalia’s stance. Effective communication was identified as a crucial factor in maintaining stable and productive international relations.

The discussion then shifted to the delicate balance between Somalia’s assertion of sovereignty and its dependence on the UN. While Somali politicians emphasize their nation’s sovereignty, the reality is that UN support is essential for Somalia’s survival. This support affects various areas, including security, elections, and economic development, highlighting the complex interplay between national pride and practical necessity.

The panel discussed the UN’s involvement in the upcoming 2026 Somali elections, noting that this could be a contentious issue. There was debate on whether the UN’s role is perceived as interference or as necessary support for ensuring fair and transparent elections. This segment highlighted the challenges of maintaining national sovereignty while benefiting from international assistance.

The issuance of contradictory letters might have come as a surprise to the UN Security Council and raised questions about the stability of Somali stakeholders. The guests examined the potential embarrassment for the Somali president and the broader implications for Somalia’s international standing. This diplomatic confusion threatens to undermine Somalia’s credibility and reliability on the global stage.

The panel analyzed recent developments such as the lifting of the army embargo and the achievement of debt relief, juxtaposed with the confusion caused by the contradictory letters. These developments are critical for Somalia’s progress but are overshadowed by the recent diplomatic confusion. The discussion underscored the importance of stable and coherent foreign policy in achieving and maintaining these advancements.

The panel also questioned the role of Somalia’s parliament in foreign policy decisions, suggesting that a more structured and documented foreign policy could prevent such incidents in the future. There was also speculation about whether the Prime Minister’s office was fully aware of the UN-Somalia issue, pointing to potential gaps in coordination within the government. This segment highlighted the need for greater oversight and consistency in policy-making.

The episode concluded with a discussion about the appearance of Ahmed FIQI, the Foreign Minister of Somalia, on television. His public address was seen as an attempt to manage the fallout and reassure both domestic and international audiences about the government’s stance and future actions. This move was part of a broader effort to maintain public trust and accountability.

Mohamed Hirmoge wrapped up the episode by reiterating the importance of clear and consistent foreign policy, effective communication, and the need for Somalia to balance its sovereignty with its reliance on international support. The first episode of “The Sitrep” set the tone for the series, offering insightful commentary and diverse perspectives on critical issues shaping Somalia’s national agenda. 

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