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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The United States of America reiterated its support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia following the Memorandum of Understanding between Ethiopia and Somaliland, leasing 20 kilometers of sea access to Ethiopia which created tension in the region.

Assistant Secretary of State Molly Phee said in an Online Press Breifing today that the U.S shared the view of the African Union and Inter-governmental Authority of Development(IGAD) and other International Partners on the continent that Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity need to be respected.

@AsstSecStateAF Phee: “The United States shares the view of the @_AfricanUnion , @IGADsecretariat, and other international organizations, as well as the majority of African partners on the continent, that Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity need to be respected”, she said.

Ms. Phee expressed concern over the MoU between Somaliland and Ethiopia, saying it could be disruptive to the Ethiopian investment over years against Al-Shabaab and its negative impact on the people of Somalia.

She said that the U.S supports the talks between Somalia and Somaliland about their shared future.

 “We share a concern that this proposed memorandum of understanding could be very disruptive to our shared struggle, which includes Ethiopian investment over years against al-Shabaab and its negative impact on the people of Somalia.  And we support conversations between the peoples of Somalia and Somaliland about their shared future.” She said.

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