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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia on Monday announced that Head of the Mission, Ambassador Catriona Laing will complete her one-year assignment on 21st of May next Month without providing further details.

“I have full confidence that Somalia will succeed and that the African Union and United Nations, along with our international partners, will continue to play a crucial role in supporting Somalis on their path to peace and stability – for me, Somalia is a place of hope and friendship, and I will continue to support and advocate for Somalia wherever I am,” said Ms. Laing, who also served as the Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). 

She also said in retweet that she will continue to support and advocate for Somalia where she will be, but did not explain why her diplomatic career came to an end, despite unverified reports that she was fired.

#Somalia first drew me into its embrace in the 1990s and my latest stint here has reinforced my respect and admiration for its people – their country is place of hope and friendship, of progress and promise, and I will continue to support and advocate for #Somalis wherever I am”, she said on X.

The Somali Federal Government did not comment on this move yet, but this is the first envoy who leaves the country without completing his/her mission. On January 1st, 2019, Somali Government expelled the UN Envoy to Somalia, Nicholas Haysom for his comment over deadly protests in Baidoa, the administrative capital of Southwest State in Somalia where at least 15 civilians, who were against the arrest of ex-Al-Shabaab deputy leader, Mukhtar Robow, were killed at the time.

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