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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-United Nations’ helicopter was on Wednesday landed at Xiin-dheere location near Wisil district in Mudug and Galgudud border regions accidentally according to local authorities.

Mohamed Aden Gabobe, Security Minister for Galmudug State told BBC-Somali Service that the helicopter flew from Beleweyne town in Hiiraan region and was heading to Wisil, but it accidentally landed into Xiin-dheere area.

He said that the plane was carrying military consignment to the Somali National Army base in Wisil, saying it is believed that there were 7 people including Somalis on board.

The Somali Government and the United Nations Assistance Mission in Mogadishu did not comment on the matter yet so far.

Al-Shbaaab militants were reported to have captured the helicopter, but the group also did not provide about this.

But this is not the first time, a plan lands in an area under Al-Shabaab. Such accident happened in area near Awdhegle town in lower Shabelle region about six years ago. No one knows it remained that.

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