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Sudan has been gripped by violent conflicts that erupted on April 15, 2023, fuelled from a disagreement and armed clashes between the Sudanese Military forces and the Paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The escalating conflicts have led to a huge loss of life, with thousands of Sudanese killed, and millions have been displaced.

These conflicts have also caused destructions and lose of properties. It has not only caused destruction on the Army bases, Hospitals and other government facilities but also destroyed education centres such as colleges and universities.

The International University of Africa has suffered huge destruction on Monday in the conflict between warring forces. The University has been completely crashed, as shocking images show its facilities and vehicles burning into flames and reduced to ashes.

This university, since its foundation in 1977, has been among the best universities in Africa, attracting thousands of students from Somalia and across Africa by providing scholarships to needy students. The destruction of this university seems to diminish the aspirations of these deserving students.

Every year, thousands of students from Somalia secure scholarships for undergraduate programs at the International University of Africa. Furthermore, thousands including politicians, and key public figures have been graduating annually from the university.

Abdirahman Abdishakur, the Special Presidential Envoy on Drought Response for the Federal Government of Somalia, has raised deep concerns over the Sudanese forces’ targeting of higher education centers, particularly on the International University of Africa. He further noted the huge negative impact that the destruction of these educational facilities would have.

“The Sudan civil war spared no institution. This university, where I once graduated, stands as a painful reminder of the destruction inflicted upon education, causing a profound setback to intellectual progress. We must strive to stop the war & restore hope for future generations,” Mr. Abdirahman stated.

As a member of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the Federal Government of Somalia has actively spearheaded peace efforts aimed at resolving conflicts and civil unrest in Sudan.

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