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Hargeysa(Mogadishu24)-About 10 soldiers were killed and 17 others injured after fighting between Police forces of the breakaway republic of Somaliland and armed guerilla at the Gacan-Libax mountainous area near Hargeysa city yesterday on Friday.

Somaliland Minister for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed and Police Commissioner, Mohamed Aden Saqidhi said in a press conference that the guerrilla forces ambushed Policemen whose number were between 30 to 35 men and traveling from Go’da yar and Go’da weyn areas in the same region with heavy loss.

“We confirm that nine officers were killed and 17 others injured in the attack, the Policemen were not prepared for the fight and did not know anything about enemy in the region”, Police Commissioner said.

He added that the forces will respond to this incident and the on-going demonstrations taking place in Hargeysa,Burco and Eragavo, saying the demos are illegal. ” We keep the public order”, he said.

The Guerrilla side said that the Police Commissioner was lying, and said the Police forces attacked them and defended themselves during the confrontation, telling the death toll of police officers over 25 men and two soldiers sustained injuries from their side.

Somaliland, once a relative stable and more peaceful region seems to be plunging into chaos after the current President Muse Bihi Abdi and his administration delayed presidential elections. The President chose to fight with Las’anod apposition instead of dialogue and now the situation is turning into clashes

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