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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The bodies of two young boys were on Sunday discovered washed up on Monday at Gel Laq offshore in Mogadishu’s Samar-weyne district. They are believed to have been drowned in the Indian Ocean earlier, and their identities remain unknown at this time.

Residents of Hamar-weyne have expressed deep concerns about these weather changes and their effects on the ocean.

They urged parents to recognize the potential risks associated with such conditions and be mindful of their children’s whereabouts.

“In this summer period, several kids have lost their lives in the ocean. We are urging parents to learn from these incidents and be aware of where their children are going. The ocean poses huge risks during times of heavy winds,” expressed a resident of Hamar-weyne.

This incident follows the recent drowning of Ibrahim Mas’ud Ali, a player from Gaadiidka FC, who tragically lost his life during an early morning training session at Lido Beach. His body was recovered yesterday, just three days after the incident occurred.

These incidents have occurred during a period of high waves in the ocean, raising concerns among local residents. The weather changes have been impacting the ocean, resulting in increased pressure and claiming multiple lives.

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