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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has warned of the risk of flooding in the Shabelle and Jubba rivers ahead of the anticipated rains and El Niño floods expected to hit the highlands of Ethiopia and Somalia in mid-October.

According to the organization, there are 196 areas where rivers could flood, with 170 locations along the Shabelle River and 26 along the Jubba River.

The flooding of the Shabelle River will affect major cities such as Beledweyn, Buulaburde, Jalalaqsi, Jowhar, Afgoye, Balcad, and Kurtunwaarey.

The Jubba River floods will affect towns including Bardhere, Jilib, Dolow, Saakow, and Bu’ale.

This warning comes as the Shabelle River, along Mahaday district area, recently flooded without any rains in the Somalia in recent weeks.

Two days ago, representatives from the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) and the Benadir regional administration held a technical meeting to discuss preventive measures and potential consequences of the floods in the country.

The Agency stated that heavy rains are expected in Somali regions, including Bari, Sool, Sanaag, North West, Nugal, Hiran, Bay, Bakool, Lower Shabelle, and Middle Jubba, which may pose a danger.

SoDMA has strongly urged residents of cities and towns near the Shabelle and Jubba rivers to exercise caution during the upcoming rainy seasons due to ElNino.

Rivers in Somalia often flood during the rainy season, affecting the lives of people living along the rivers and farmers.

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