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Ankara(Mogadishu24)-The fourth meeting of Somalia and its international partners, including the USA, United Kingdom, Qatar, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates, opened in Ankara, Turkey on Wednesday.

The meeting primarily focused on the situation in Somalia, particularly regarding security, politics, humanitarian issues, and strategies for achieving peace and stability in Somalia.

A statement from Somalia’s National Security Advisor stated that the conference extensively discussed the ATMIS drawdown and anti-terrorism efforts.

“With the Participation of Qatar, UAE, UK, Türkiye and USA, the 4th Meeting of the Somalia Quint was held in Ankara yesterday. Anti-terror operations/strategy, ATMIS transition, stabilisation, and upcoming Conference on Somalia Security Sector Development topped the discussions,” the statement from the National Security Advisor, Hussein Sheikh Ali read.

The National Security Advisor emphasized the importance of this meeting for the federal government and its international partners while also acknowledging their support.

“The Quint continues to be a useful and indispensable platform for the Federal Government of Somalia and key international security partners,” the statement added.

One of the central topics also discussed was the potential negotiations between the Federal Government of Somalia and the Al-Shabaab terrorist organization, with the aim of bringing peace and stability in Somalia.

Somalia’s international partners expressed their commitment to and reaffirmed their support for the priorities and vision of the Federal Government of Somalia in security and stabilization efforts.

Qatar’s State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Bin Abdiaziz bin Salah, underscored the importance of providing support to Somalia in recognizing its government’s efforts to address security issues. He also expressed the readiness of the Qatari government to support any negotiation process and plans aimed at enhancing Somalia’s security and stability.

Sheikh Shakhbut bin Nahyan, the Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, reiterated his government’s commitment to supporting Somalia in several key areas, including security, economic development, and political infrastructure.

This meeting follows a previous meeting held in June in Doha, Qatar, where the same stakeholders discussed the latest developments in Somalia and strategies for addressing the challenges facing the Somali government.

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