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kenya 15apr15 2

Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Al-Shabaab militants have on Tuesday morning taken control of Daru-nicma location, a key SNA base near Aden-yabal district in Middle Shabelle region after fighting with Somali National Army there.

Al-Shabaab claimed to have killed 21 soldiers from the Somali National Army based in the area and injured others.

Military sources said that the army withdrew from their base at Daru-Nicmo before the attack and recaptured to their bases after the militants returned back.

But there is no official statement or comment from the Federal Government of Somalia regarding to the Al-Shabaab attack in Middle Shabelle region. The group fighters carried out several attacks on SNA bases in lower Shabele, lower Jubba and Middle Shabelle during the holy month of Ramadan with casualties.

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