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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-G7 leaders on Friday commended Somalia for its significant achievements in institutional building, economic management, and security enhancements after their ministerial summit in Rome, Italy.

The G7 encouraged Somalia to maintain momentum in its fight against the militant group Al Shabaab and in strengthening its governmental structures through comprehensive constitutional reforms.

The communique also emphasized the critical need for a smooth transition of security responsibilities from the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to Somali security forces, as ATMIS’s mandate is set to end by December 2024.

The Group expressed support for the collaborative planning efforts between Somalia and the African Union, aimed at establishing a multinational mission to continue supporting stability in Somalia while the country further develops its security capabilities.

“The process of transitioning security responsibilities to the Somali security forces needs to be closely followed,” the G7 said, recognizing the strategic importance of these transitions for the stability and future of Somalia.

The group’s communique reflects a strong international commitment to supporting Somalia’s path toward self-reliance and enhanced governance.

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