Mogadishu24:Somalia media guide,News channels in Mogadishu

Mogadishu Balcad

Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Al-Shabaab militants carried out deadly attacks on military bases ran by the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia and the Somali National Army together with local forces at Hawadley area about 40 kilometers north of the capital Mogadishu.

SNA officer, Ali Abdullahi Ali confirmed the attack and said that the local forces and SNA forces foiled the group’s attempted attack, saying that they joint forces inflicted casualties on Al-Shabaab.

He asked the Federal Government of Somalia to reinforce them, in order, to push the militants back.

” We are here for about two years now and the threat of of the enemy is active because they are only four kilometers away from us, we need to push them back”, he added.

Al-Shabaab did not comment on the midnight attack on those bases in Middle Shabelle region yet, but independent sources say that militants tried to destroy the main bride in the area and added there casualties on warring sides, but could not be verified.

ATMIS’s Burundian contingent did not also comment the attack on their base overnight, but reports from the region was that the militants were making presence near Bal’ad district and Hawadley village in the same region in recent.

The attack came a day after Hirshabelle State President, Ali Abdullahi Hussein ‘Gudlawe’ visited Bal’ad district where he cut the ribbon of football Stadium.

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