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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Banaadir Regional Court has issued an order to arrest the former Director of Taxation for the Warta Nabadda district eastern office, Abdikadir Mohamud Ibrahim, accusing him of corruption, embezzlement of public funds, and creating forged documents.

Mr. Ibrahim is alleged to have orchestrated major financial offenses during his tenure as the in charge of Warta Nabadda Eastern Taxation Headquarters.

The court has given him 30 days starting from November 11, 2023, to present himself before the court, failing which legal proceedings and appropriate actions will be taken against him.

This decision is part of the government’s efforts to combat corruption, with several officials implicated, detained, and awaiting trial.

The court of appeal commenced the hearing of several accused officials who were arrested on charges related to corruption. Among them are Muktar Saabey, the former Director of the East Taxation Office, Abdul Elmi Ali, the former Director of the Immigration Department, Mohamed Aden Jimaale, who faces similar accusations.

In September, the Banaadir Regional Court passed judgment on a corruption case involving 11 officials from the Ministries of Finance, Labour, Immigration and Naturalisation Agency, and the Central Bank, who were accused of stealing public money, falsification of government documents, abuse of public office, and bribery.

The court announced that 6 out of the 11 people were found guilty of various offenses, while 5 people were acquitted and granted their freedom.

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