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Al-Shabaab militants carried out coordinated attacks in Mogadishu on Friday evening, resulting in the deaths of three Somali security officers, and one civilian. Several others were injured during the assaults.

According to local sources, the militants specifically targeted a security checkpoint in the Deyniile district, where security forces were stationed. This initiated a fierce clash between the militants and the security personnel. The security forces have killed two Al-Shabaab militants in the battle.

As of now, the security forces and District Administration have not issued a statement regarding the incident.

In a simultaneous attack, Al-Shabaab militants killed Abdikarim Maalim Ahmed (Afarsheegle), the Deputy Governor of the Administration and Finance of the Marka District. The explosion occurred during Maghrib prayer in the Shirkole neighborhood of the Hodan district. An assailant, wearing a bomb jacket, deliberately targeted the official and detonated himself.

In recent weeks, Al-Shabaab has suffered significant defeats, with the Somali National Army and local forces “Macawisley” killing over 50 militants in operations. They have now resorted to carrying out planned attacks in the capital of Mogadishu as they face mounting pressure in the region.

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