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Jigjiga(Mogadishu24)-Ethiopia’s multi-agency security team successfully thwarted Al-Shabaab attacks in the Somali region on Tuesday, arresting 14 individuals linked to Al-Shabaab terrorist group.

In a statement, the Ethiopian Joint Security team stated that they have thwarted terrorist acts planned by Al-Shabaab targeting cities and districts in the Somali region, including Jigjiga City, Fiiq District, Wardheer district, and Biki district.

“A joint multi-agency security team conducted an operation and thwarted terrorist acts planned by Al-Shabaab in the cities in Somali State. In the operation, the security team arrested 14 members of the Al-Shabaab terrorist group,” the statement reads.

“Operations were carried out by security forces in the cities of Ma’eyso in the Sitti region, Jigjiga city and its surroundings, Wardheer city and its surroundings, Higloley district in Koraxay region, and also in Fiq city in Erer region. They seized weapons, including 84 AKs, 10 types of explosives, and 12 heavy guns,” the statement added.

Suspected Al-Shabaab militants, including the leader of the Al-Shabaab network known as Maalim Ali (Ali Abdi), were arrested, and various weapons were seized in the operation.

The security forces also intercepted and recovered explosives on the outskirts of Gaashaamo town, intended to be smuggled into the country across the Ethiopia-Southern Somalia border.

They expressed gratitude to the Somali Regional Government, the Security department, and the people of the region for their collaborative efforts in ensuring security and stability.

Last week, security forces of the Somali State of Ethiopia seized weapons and captured individuals suspected to be members of Al-Shabaab militants during the 18th Ethiopian Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Day celebrations in Jigjiga town.

Last year, a fierce battle occurred between the Liyu Police and Al-Shabaab militants on the Somali-Ethiopian border and lasted for several days.

Ethiopia is one of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) troop-contributing countries and has actively engaged in the fight against the Al-Shabaab terrorist organization, which poses a threat not only to Somalia but also to its neighbouring countries.

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