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Harare(Mogadishu24)-During a state visit to Zimbabwe, Kenyan President William Ruto secured Zimbabwe’s support for Raila Odinga’s bid for the Chairmanship of the African Union Commission for the term 2025-2028. The endorsement came as part of bilateral talks held at the Bulawayo State House with Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa, where the two leaders discussed strengthening ties and mutual support in regional and continental matters.

The discussions, which also included the signing of nine Memorandums of Understanding across various sectors including transport, infrastructure, health, and education, underscored both nations’ commitment to leveraging their historical and economic relationships. President Mnangagwa emphasized the need for further economic cooperation and invited investors to explore opportunities in both countries.

Additionally, President Ruto expressed Kenya’s unwavering support for Zimbabwe’s re-entry into the Commonwealth and called for the lifting of all international sanctions against Zimbabwe, highlighting the principle of sovereign equality and a rule-based multilateral system.

The visit marked a significant moment in the diplomatic relations between Kenya and Zimbabwe, focusing on economic recovery, infrastructure development, and political cooperation. Both leaders reiterated their countries’ shared visions for prosperity and the importance of their strategic partnership in achieving these goals.

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