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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)- 32 staff officers who recently joined the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) concluded a five-day induction course. The training, which covered a wide range of topics from the mission’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) to Somali culture and language, was aimed at preparing the officers for their roles in the mission.

Col. Jean Bosco Sibondavyi, ATMIS Acting Deputy Force Commander in Charge of Support and Logistics, presided over the ceremony, emphasizing the importance of professionalism and dedication to the mission’s mandate. He highlighted the critical nature of understanding the local culture, religion, and language to effectively contribute to the mission’s success.

The training, described as mandatory for all new personnel, was coordinated by Lt. Col. Samuel Kwesi Alemawor, ATMIS Military Training Officer. It included topics such as discipline, the prevention of sexual abuse and exploitation, rules of engagement, and explosive hazard awareness.

Col. Michael Katambira, ATMIS Military Chief of Operations, and Maj. Vicky Achiro, a participant, both acknowledged the training’s effectiveness in preparing them for their responsibilities in Somalia.

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