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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia,Hamza Abdi Barre held meeting with Qatari Ambassador to Somalia, Dr Abdullah Bin Salem Al Nuaimi and discussed ways to enhance the bilateral relations between the two countries.

“Just had a fruitful meeting with Dr. Abdullah Bin Salem Al Nuaimi, Ambassador of #Qatar to #Somalia. Discussed ways to strengthen our countries’ ties and address shared priorities. Looking forward to our continued collaboration!”, Prime Minister, Hamza said on X post.

The Prime Minister appreciated the State of Qatar’s support to Somalia in areas of Security, training the army, developing basic services and aid projects according to a brief statement from office of the Prime Minister.

Mudane Xamsa ayaa uga mahadceliyey Dowladda Qatar taageerada ay siiso Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan dhinacyada amniga, tababarka ciidamada qalabka sida, horumarinta adeegyada asaasiga ah iyo gargaarka.

The Ambassador said that his Government will maintain offering support to the people and Government of Somalia.

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