Mogadishu24:Somalia media guide,News channels in Mogadishu

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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-In a major integrity operation within the Somali military, several officers from the elite DANAB unit have been suspended and detained following an investigation that brought to light the misappropriation of military rations. “The Somali National Armed Forces have reported a diversion of Danab rations within a unit of its forces,” announced the Ministry of Defense, asserting the seriousness with which the matter is being treated.

“We have enhanced their accountability measures in line with its reform agenda,” the Ministry of Defense stated, emphasizing the resolve to address the corruption discovered. This commitment was further underlined by the pledge to ensure accountability and transparency within the armed forces.

The statement from the Ministry also declared, “FGS takes these incidents seriously and have immediately launched an investigation,” showcasing the swift action taken in response to the allegations.

As the Somali government works in tandem with the United States to transition the responsibility of providing rations to Danab, this investigation stands as a testament to the government’s dedication to reforming its military practices.

The Ministry of Defense has assured stakeholders that it will disclose the investigation’s findings in due course, marking a significant step towards maintaining the integrity of the country’s defense forces amid ongoing efforts to combat the extremist group Al-Shabaab.

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