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Mogadishu24(Mogadishu)-The Parliament of the Federal Government of Somalia has called for immediate investigations into yesterday’s Al-Shabaab attack at the Jaalle Siyaad military Academy. The Speaker of the House of the People, Adan Mohamed Noor (Madobe), condemned the attack in a recorded video address, expressing deep sorrow for the casualties and injuries caused by the cowardly act.

Speaker Madobe raised serious concerns about the security lapses that allowed the suicide-bomber to infiltrate the heavily guarded military base. He stated, “Where those officers were exploded and killed yesterday, is not an accessible place; it is not just a normal place. How the evil suicide-bomber accessed the military base shows that there is mismanagement there. Although there are very loyal security officers, there are perpetrators who have made it easy for the assailant. That is intolerable.”

He continued, “When the military officers are new and ongoing with their training, there might be people who are not known, people who were sent by the terrorists. But the military officers who knew each other, who are in one unit, if one comes from outside with a bad intention, and then blows himself up and kills several officers, that has created a lot of doubts.”

The speaker strongly ordered the investigating and general security agencies to conduct immediate and thorough investigations and to apprehend those criminals who are assisting the terrorists.

“I direct and order the investigating agencies and the general security agencies to do immediate thorough investigations and capture those criminals who are aiding the terrorists,” he asserted.

Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimuu, a Federal member of Parliament, expressed his strong doubts about the attacker’s ability to enter the highly protected Jalele Siad Military Training College in Mogadishu.

He stated that the attack may have involved an internal conspiracy that could implicate corrupt officers who profited from the bloodshed.

In a statement, Moalimuu said, “I believe that the youths who were serving the defence of the country were killed in an internal conspiracy that may involve corrupt officers who profited from the bloodshed.”

The Parliament’s response comes within 24 hours of the attack, demanding accountability and justice for the fallen officers and their families. Meanwhile, the terrorist group Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that they had killed 73 officers.

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