Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)- Defense Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur announced Tuesday that he signed Defense Cooperation with his Ugandan Counterpart, Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja here in Mogadishu.“We are pleased to announce the signing of a bilateral supplementary agreement to our existing MoU on Defense Cooperation, further strengthening our commitment to shared security goals and strategic partnership”, Somalia’s Minister said on X.Abdulkadir said that the two parts registered significant milestones in ensuring long term stability of Somalia and appreciated the role played by both SNAF and UPDF.“Regarding the pursuant to the MoU on Defence and Military cooperation between the two countries. The meeting noted that two partner countries have registered significant milestones in ensuring long term stability of Somalia and appreciated the role played by both SNAF and UPDF”,But the Ugandan Defense Minister, Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja did not comment on the agreement, nor both of them briefed the media after meeting at the Ministry of Defense in Mogadishu. Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja arrived in the Somali capital Mogadishu in a secret visit, but Uganda is one of the leading troop contributing countries under the African Union Transition in Somalia(ATMIS). Post navigationPresident Hassan to address joint session of Parliament Cabinet Ministers approve the Somali,Turkey Defense Agreement