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Baidoa(Mogadishu24)-South West State President, Abdiaziz Lafta Gareen has on Thursday expressed deep concerns about the blockade imposed by Al-Shabaab militants on Baidoa city.

The President emphasized his government’s commitment to fight against Al-Shabaab and made it clear that no association with the militants would be tolerated.

“We have decided as a government that there is no room for negotiations with Al-Shabaab. We have no links with them, and our interests will never align with theirs. We will continue fighting them until we liberate them from our regions,” the President stated firmly.

He further pointed out that the Al-Shabaab members who are from the same tribal background as the region’s residents are the worst perpetrators of atrocities against the people of South West region.

“We have witnessed Al-Shabaab’s enmity and hostility, experiences that the entire Somali nation has endured before. However, there is a distinct difference – those who are tribally linked to us, those originating from this region, are the worst and most hostile enemies we face. They represent the weakest and most inhumane individuals. These Raha-weyn Al-Shabaab members seem to revel in the blockades imposed on their own people, families, and parents. Who else in the Somali community would ever accept such cruelty? It is disheartening to see them contented with the trade sanctions that are imposed on our people,” he added.

The President’s remarks came after Al-Shabaab imposed a land blockade on Baidoa city, causing hardships and adversely affecting livelihoods, leading to a sharp rise in the prices of essential goods like food, water, and fuel.

Hussein Sheikh Mohamud, the Chief of Staff of the President of the Federal Government of Somalia, condemned Al-Shabaab’s blockade and urged the local community to take resolute action against the militant group.

“The group is in an all-out war against the great people of Somalia and this is a testament that the Federal Government of Somalia-led efforts are pushing the group to extinction,” he said.

Mohamud urged the people of Somalia to unite against Al-Shabaab , while the Federal Government accelerates military operations to liberate areas under Al-Shabaab’s ruthless rule.

“I urge the great people of our country to unite against this barbaric group as the FGS ensures the acceleration of the ongoing military operations against the Al-Shabab and liberates those who are under their ruthless rule,” he added.

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