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Baidoa(Mogadishu24)-At least two people including Police Commander were killed and eight others injured after fighting between Southwest State forces and clan militias in Berdale district in Bay region on Saturday according to the eyewitnesses.

Southwest State officials claimed that the fighting between Al-Shabaab and their forces in region, saying they inflicted heavy casualties on the group fighters and killed at least four members and injured several others while they pursue the operation there.

But Independent sources obtained by Mogadishu24 confirmed that the fighting was between southwest State forces and clan militias based in Bedale district which is about 60 kilometers to Baidoa town in Bay region.

Ali Borrow, Police Commander of Berdale district and soldier was confirmed dead and six others from the Southwest State Administration were injured and the two others were civilians that flying stray bullets hit them according to an eyewitness who requested not to be named. ‘The death toll could rise anytime, but the victims were hospitalized in Bay General Hospital’, he said.

The deadly confrontation between the Southwest State forces and local came as the regional election is approaching to be held later this year while the Incumbent President, Abdiaziz Mohamed Hassan is working on to be re-elected or get term extension by all means according to sources.

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