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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Two Al-Shabaab militants were killed in a bomb explosion as they were emplacing it along the main supply route between KM50 and Lantabur areas in lower Shabelle region overnight.

ATMIS Force Spokesperson(KDF), Abdullahi Hassan Ganale told Mogadishu24 that the Al-Shabaab militants who involved in this plot, felt into the trap themselvs, saying their body parts were shattered 50 meters wide.

“The Al-Shabaab have now resorted to emplacement of IEDs on main supply routes. This is a desperate move to delay movement and supply of goods. The leadership of AS are now more worried as the second phase of Somali CONOPS by joint Forces of SNA and ATMIS is due to commence and will see a decisive operations against. This is meant to completly degrade AS and drive them out of their hideouts”, Ganale said.
He said that ATMIS is committed to peace and stability in Somalia and will not relent on battle against Al-Shabaab and other terrorist groups in Somalia.

“The people of Somalia and their welfare is at the centre of our mandate and as such we have a duty to protect them and their interests towards a peaceful, stable and prosperous Somalia”, he added.

Al-Shabaab militants did not comment on this incident and ATMIS claims over this so far, but instead the group claimed to have captured an area close to Dolow district in Gedo region.

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